AI Dancing Avatar - artist workshop

Sat 14 May 2022
- 16:30
Maison du Savoir, Computational Creativity Hub, 2, avenue de l'Université, L-4365, Esch-sur-Alzette Belval

The project

Dancing is an instinct of humans, most of the time it comes through the inspiration of music, although this is not always the only trigger to create a dance. Since AI has been developed in all aspects of human life, generating dance by AI techniques can end in impressive results. Music to Movement GAN (MM GAN) is a generative adversarial network to generate dance movements based on input music. In this method, the model first learns how to move by decomposing dance into basic movements. Then, it learns how to dance by organizing the basic movements into dance sequences. In the end, it wraps up the dance sequences based on the music beats to produce a long-term dance.

In this project, our objective was to generate a classical dance sequence based on the “Dying Swan” music piece, using the Dancing2Music dance generator. This work has been conducted in AI Robo-lab at the University of Luxembourg. In collaboration with Betania Antico (dancer and choreographer), we also applied the Open-Pose pose detection model to a music video of Natalia Petrovna Osipova (principal ballerina with The Royal Ballet in London) performing the “Dying Swan” to analyze and compare the AI-generated dance movement and human dance movements from a choreographic point of view.

The artist workshop

In the workshop with the artist we will go through the video demonstrations of the project and analyze the dance generated by AI from a choreographic point of view. We will discuss if dance can be a means of interaction between humans and machines, also we will discuss its artistic point of view. The workshop will be held in English / Spanish / German.